Nancy Neamtan

Former CEO | Chantier de l'économie sociale | Canada

For over three decades, Nancy Neamtan has been on the front lines in the emergence of community economic development, social finance, and Quebec’s social economy movement. From 1996 to 2015, she was CEO of the Chantier de l’économie sociale, which connects networks of non-profit and cooperative enterprises, local development organisations, social movements, and First Nation’s. As CEO of the Chantier from 1996 to 2015, Ms. Neamtan contributed to creating social finance tools, university-community research alliances, international networks and a knowledge transfer centre in social innovation. She has negotiated innovative public policy with municipal, provincial and federal governments.
Ms. Neamtan is a member of the Order of Canada, an officer of l’Ordre du Québec and has received honorary doctorates from Concordia University and the Université de Québec dans Outaouais.