SEWF Events

Youth Forum and SEWF 2021 event report now out!

by Mirabelle Morah / November 2021

SEWF 2021 report out

This year, social enterprises around the world continued to face challenges, but they were also at the forefront in providing solutions and frontline response to communities affected by COVID-19, the climate emergency and global inequality and disparity. Designed by and for social enterprises, SEWF 2021 and the SEWF Youth Forum championed the potential of social enterprise – small and large, rural and urban – to bring about inclusive and sustainable economic development.

“This is a time of reckoning, it’s a time of evolution.” – Yasmina Zeidman, Acumen (USA)

As with 2020, the events were hosted virtually with SEWF 2021 being our first hybrid event with a network of Community Hubs hosting local events (in person and virtually). In 2021, we partnered with Common Good Solutions in Nova Scotia as event Co-host to shine a spotlight on Canada, whilst also addressing priorities and issues for social enterprises around the world. Priority themes and topics included climate and circular economy, youth, rural, Indigenous community and social enterprise, gender, social procurement, COVID-19 and economic recovery. SEWF 2021 was held over two days (28-29 September, depending on time zone) and was preceded by our first-ever virtual Youth Forum, which took place on 27 September.

SEWF Youth Forum

The Youth Forum saw a record of 90 countries represented by 1,624 virtual delegates – almost triple the original target of 600! Once again, the use of a digital event platform levelled the playing field for global attendees with a combined (from the Youth Forum and SEWF 2021) 3,412 registrations from 131 countries.

Participant feedback

“I wanted to share that the Forum was very well organized. Everything was perfect and gave it an inperson live event experience. Going forward I would definitely recommend attending the Forum to other people … After attending the SEWF Youth Forum, I would like to be more involved with the social enterprise movement.” Reham, United Arab Emirates (SEWF Youth Forum)

“We have so much to learn from Indigenous people, the values and the heart and soul you bring to ‘business’ – so meaningful and true to our responsibility as global citizens. Thank you for sharing your stories. From a non-Indigenous person perspective, I am very grateful.” Teresa, New Zealand (SEWF 2021)

Click to download the SEWF Youth Forum and SEWF 2021 event report and share it with others.

Also read:  SEWF Social Enterprise Day: Collective action for people and planet

The Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF) provides an energetic and cohesive space for the global social enterprise community to network, share ideas and support each other in the aim of transitioning to a global impact economy. Since 2008, SEWF has gathered the global social enterprise community to support social enterprise development and build the global social enterprise movement.

Mirabelle Morah is the community and communications manager at SEWF