2016 – Hong Kong

Theme:  New Frontiers… New Markets

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises (HKGCSE) was proud to host SEWF 2016, the first international forum for social enterprises in Hong Kong.

HKGCSE is the voice of social enterprise in Hong Kong, providing a platform for social enterprises to share best practice, connect through events and networking groups and negotiate policy issues with key decision-makers and politicians.

  • 1,000 delegates from over 26 countries and territories
  • 100+ speakers from over 24 countries and territories
  • On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the highest), the overall satisfaction of the SEWF 2016 was 4.2
  • SEWF 2016 achieved the targets that had been set for the event and made a successful impact on the future development of social enterprises in Hong Kong. Delegates were inspired by the fundraising strategies and appreciated the efforts that Hong Kong has paid in data collection for social impact measurement of social enterprises.