Verification and visibility for all enterprises that put people and planet first.
Around the world, there is a growing movement of enterprises that prioritise people and planet over private profit. They include social enterprises, cooperatives, fair trade enterprises, social businesses and others.
People and Planet First is a badge that unites this global movement. People and Planet First provides a verification system, access to resources and collective advocacy. Stewarded by SEWF and working with a network of partners around the world, together we are transforming business and building an economy for everyone to thrive within the means of our living planet.

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The SEWF features world-class content from previous events, including inspiring panels and practical workshops. It’s free to access and we’ll keep adding new content as each event takes place.
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Our network is made up of social enterprises, policymakers, academics, corporate partners and more. Find out how you can get involved with our mission to champion the social enterprise sector and accelerate the creation of a global impact economy.
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“There is no other place that someone involved in the social enterprise world can meaningfully connect with so many people, organisations and programmes in such a short time. I came out humbled and invigorated by the many kindred spirits I met”.
“It’s a great initiative and an excellent opportunity to meet people and acquire even more knowledge.”
“This is a once in a lifetime experience to get the opportunity to talk to some amazing people especially the motivational speakers and founders and CEOs of social enterprises.”